Friendly and knowledgeable
Highly recommended. Friendly and knowledgeable. Four days in and I have more energy. Thanks Karen.
Highly recommended. Friendly and knowledgeable. Four days in and I have more energy. Thanks Karen.
Would definitely recommend this if you are having any problems. It’s the quickest and easiest way to find out what foods are causing your symptoms. Mine intolerance was dairy, it was like a light bulb moment, and so many issues iv had in the past fell into place. I also had problems with onions and bacon, so cut everything out for a month, and I find now I can eat onions and bacon again but steer away from dairy. Iv lost fat and don’t have really bad heartburn anymore and the horrendous bloating has stopped. So thank you very much. This has made things so much easier for me.
After a week of being dairy free. I’m pleased to say Oscars skin has nearly completely cleared. We are so happy.
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